Portuguese passport issuance process
How to begin?
Let’s start from the end – in September 2022, the Portuguese government decided to significantly toughen the law that allowed Jews who are descendants of those expelled from Spain to demand (and receive) Portuguese citizenship. The practical meaning is that those who did not start the process before September 2022 are subject to much stricter, almost impossible requirements.
So it is no longer possible to obtain Portuguese citizenship?
Yes, in some cases. Those who can still obtain Portuguese citizenship are:
1. Minor children of Portuguese citizens (minor = under 18). But note that the older the child, the more complex and expensive the process will be.
2. Spouses of Portuguese citizens – if you are married to a person who is a citizen of Portugal.
Who can’t spend right now? Who is of age, and is not married to a person who is a Portuguese citizen. That means most of those who were eligible through the old law, currently cannot.
Is it really not possible at all? Not a chance?
For real.
For all kinds of reasons the Portuguese decided to put an end to the celebration of citizenships and the gift we Israelis received from the state of Portugal is over. In theory, it is still possible to submit applications for citizenship, but at the moment the requirements in the law are so strict that in practice this is not possible. On a practical level, we can tell you that there are all kinds of rumors in Portugal about another and certainly last window of opportunity that is expected to open soon. We recommend that you check with us every few months if there is anything new on the subject.
Talk to us
We are always available to answer any questions for you and help you get a European passport. Leave details in the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible